Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Skiing fun
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Why was the napkin folded?
Why did Jesus fold the linen burial cloth after His resurrection? I never noticed this.... The Gospel of John (20:7) tells us that the napkin, which was placed overthe face of Jesus, was not just thrown aside like the grave clothes. The Bible takes an entire verse to tell us that the napkin was neatly folded, and was placed at the head of that stony coffin.
Early Sunday morning, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found that the stone had been rolled away from the entrance. She ran and found Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved. She said, 'They have taken the Lord's body out of the tomb, and I don't know where they have put him!' Peter and the other disciple ran to the tomb to see. The other disciple outran Peter and got there first. He stooped and looked in and saw the linen cloth lying there, but he didn't go in. Then Simon Peter arrived and went inside. He also noticed the linen wrappings lying there, while the cloth that had covered Jesus' head was folded up and lying to the side.
Was that important? Absolutely! Is it really significant? Yes!
In order to understand the significance of the folded napkin, you have to understand a little bit about Hebrew tradition of that day. The folded napkin had to do with the Master and Servant, and every Jewish boy knew this tradition. When the servant set the dinner table for the master, he made sure that it was exactly the way the master wanted it. The table was furnished perfectly, and then the servant would wait, just out of sight, until the master had finished eating, and the servant would not dare touch that table, until the master was finished. Now if the master were done eating, he would rise from the table, wipe his fingers, his mouth, and clean his beard, and would wad up that napkin and toss it onto the table. The servant would then know to clear the table. For in those days, the wadded napkin meant, 'I'm done'. But if the master got up from the table, and folded his napkin, and laid it beside his plate, the servant would not dare touch the table, because.......... The folded napkin meant, 'I'm coming back!'
HE is Coming Back!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
High Flying Time

Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas Activities
Yesterday, we hosted about 30 of our friends for a Christmas party. It was chaos but it was very nice. Below is a picture of a few of my friends - Arica (and daughter), Kristy (and daughter), me (no daughter) and Darlene (and daughter (ps - she's moving to Denver in about 3 weeks - bummer)). nice backdrop of our microwave.

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Do-Overs With God
Tuesday nights at 6:30. It's been a routine now for nearly a year, with some weekly exceptions. Sharla, Angie, Laura, Julie and me. What a great bonding time. We have had two different Bible studies - one was more interactive and discussion-oriented, and our recent one was very in-depth with the Bible. This last week was thought-provoking and I want to share what I take from Beth Moore's lesson, though it's not nearly as good, powerful, or clear as she presents, but it's a shot.
Every life on earth will be full of sin. What we choose to do about that sin and how we choose to live our lives is all based on personal decisions, moral compasses, and also those with whom we surround ourselves.
Grace is such a common word but do we really know it and feel it? I believe this concept is one of the basic views of a Christian life. After our sin, we have two options: continue to repeat the sin knowing in our gut that the decisions are wrong, or we can learn from it and not do it again. It's sin versus repeated sin. They are different. And although I've heard the expression "sin is sin is sin" - what's the difference between sin? You can fall into an area of sin and turn from it towards God, or do the opposite. Keep heaping it. What's the difference? That's where grace comes in because not a single one of us can earn our salvation because we all miss the mark - He gives us the grace. There is a difference in behavior and I do think you can choose different paths afterwards, one of which pleases God. Grace is the peace you feel when you correct your sin because you know that God is working in your heart.
That leads me to "do-overs." You've had sin. I've sinned. And we know it's wrong. It is over, and later you think "man, if I could just have a do-over then it would be different." God doesn't let us rewind time and live that situation over the right way because he wants us to learn from it. He wants us to learn from our indulgences, our careless words, and our actions. God will teach us. His teaching is providing a "do over" from God. He gives us similar situations where we can choose NOT to sin again. That's our do-over. I've had do-overs - sometimes I have followed the Godly path and there are times where I have continued to sin. I know that I have had a few do-overs with some of you, and some of you I wish I could have one.
My heart feels different depending on my reaction to the situation.
If you have regrets about past behavior, which I surely do and imagine you do, too - talk to God about it. Perhaps he'll remind you of all the times He provided another opportunity and because of all you have learned, he'll show you the do-over and how you chose right.
Exodus 20:20 "He tests us to keep us from sinning" - when we blow it, you can bet He'll test us. Be prepared for your "do-over." Get ready for victory when you do it right!
When you reflect on your life, I hope you'll find many do-overs that you are happy with.
We can find in Psalm 19 that the Lord is pure and he'll lead us in paths of righteousness, just as He did for David. Our current Bible study has been about the life of King David and his many adventures. We've learned a lot. The main stories and lessons have been in I and II Samuel, if you want to study. God will reward us for keeping his word and will keep us out of more trouble. Thank heavens that there aren't more times we have strayed left and that we don't have more do-overs.
Imagine the peace that will fill your heart when you choose the path of correcting sin, accepting God's eternal grace and knowing you are forgiven. I hope to one day be able to fully experience that feeling. I have a lot of work to go, both in actions and learning about Him.
Thanks to my Tuesday night girls and for an incredible year, full of a lot of laughs and tears, and for challenging and loving me. Love you guys and am so blessed to have each of you in my life forever.
Also, to my readers, do you have a good suggestion for another study for our group to do after Christmas? This one needs to be more discussion/group-focused. We would love ideas!!

Kenneth Leon

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Last few weeks in photo review
Monday, December 1, 2008
It's December?
We have so many reasons to be thankful. At our home, we do tend to stress - but it really is about stuff that doesn't matter!! We have love, health and a TON of laughter. What could be better? THANKSGIVING for all of our blessings.
Basically, I'm just saying HEY to my friends and family that joyfully (!!!) check this site, if there are any of you!
We had a nice Thanksgiving. Our time with our extended family in Tyler, Texas, at my aunt/uncle's was great. We thoroughly enjoyed visiting our cousins. Jason did get sick all day on Thanksgiving and then passed it along to Grant for Friday morning and our drive back. As always, love my time with my parents and Wes/Anne. After leaving there, we went to Vanoss and left the kiddos for a few nights so we could enjoy Bedlam and perhaps allow Santa to finish shopping (Thankfully, he did finish! YEA!). Our home is cozily decorated and the outside lights are going to be finalized tomorrow night (or Wednesday!).
I did forget to tell a Kyle story - he bit a hole in his tongue on Tuesday! A literal hole. About the size of a pencil eraser. It took three paper towels for me to sop up the blood to see if it was a tooth, tongue, gum, lip, etc.... we made a quick trip to Daddy's office and he said there wasn't a need for a stitch. What a great education he received in school as it has healed in six days! :)
As my Christmas music is playing on Sirius in our room, our lights and garland are in our living room, and we baked sugar cookies today, I am in the mood for Christmas!
What are your favorite things about this season? Family? Foods? Decorations? Smells? Also, any neat traditions you have with your family and/or kids that you want to share (you can email if you don't want to comment!).
24 Days and Counting....
Friday, November 21, 2008
Eggcellent Mess
Let the pictures speak for themselves.

Friday, November 14, 2008
Early Bird Gets the...Bug!
I'm a sucker for Christmas. Not so much the present-side, but the decorations, baking, smells, fellowship with distant family and variety of activities. So, yes, I am three weeks early to be putting my background as Christmas ornaments and playing Bing Crosby and Diana Krall, but here it is - at least I'm smiling when I sign in to my blog!
My house is decorated for Thanksgiving and I am usually one to roll my eyes when the candy aisle is full of red and green candies when I try to buy something for Halloween - not to mention Hobby Lobby's early jump on things.
Let's not forget to celebrate the fall and turkey day but...
Merry Early Christmas!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When Money Matters
If you don't have a process of tracking your spending or watching a budget, if needed, I strongly suggest it! Let me know if you have questions.
One of those weeks...
- Our 15 month old refrigerator quit sealing shut. Two repairmen have not been able to fix it. It is 3 months out of warranty.
- Our 4 year old "quiet series" dishwasher has developed a piercing screak and shrill during loads and stinks so incredibly bad when you open it.
- Our 4-5 year old dryer gets way hot very quickly and then shuts down. The soonest that repairman (of course, the fridge man can't fix the dryer) can come out is next Friday, making it two weeks w/o a dryer.
- Some kids stole our PUMPKINS! We had 4 different "scenes" in our yard and they got all but our front porch. The kicker is that we heard car doors shut and a car take off - thought it was the teens next door - apparently not!
- Speaking of laundry and dryer - Grant did decide to wet his bed two nights ago, making it a long day of drying sheets and a queen quilt w/o a dryer - lots of hanging in the garage.
Good Luck to Big Kyle today as he is "Locked Up" for MDA!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
New Do
Kyle sat perfectly still and actually giggled a lot. Crazy me let him hold the mini-razor that zoomed through Grant's hair a few months ago leaving a stripe - it was centimeters from happening again! We did have to do this while Grant was at school; otherwise, they would have been wrestling amidst the electric clippers.
The back looks better - less fuzz. You can't tell a bit on top since it's soooo light. What a trooper!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween and HOOPla
5. My first attempt at making a Halloween costume is complete (whew!)
4. Clint was able to carve his first pumpkin with us on our driveway
3. OSU shoots off a new basketball era.
2. NoBama becomes the newest US President-Elect
1. Trick-or-Treating with these two little boys becomes the highlight for us. They were so polite and even tried to go into every house we visited to stay longer! Kyle kept his cowboy hat on the entire time!

Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Close...But No Cigar!
Saturday was a lot of hanging out with fellow fans, and then walking to the game. What a huge stadium! Our team tried really hard. You can always say "if this or that would have, should have, could have..." yes, we could have pulled out a win, but we did play them tough - and down to the last play AT HOME! Way to go, Cowboys! I have to give it to the Texas fans that I have only heard negative about - really only one drunk student yelled negative things at us - everyone else was either quiet or had nice comments to say about our team. Good hosts, to us anyways (I know OU and A&M fans would probably disagree). Did you hear it was the largest crowd EVER in Texas history to watch any kind of football game? Yes, it was VERY loud, but the OSU fans did hold our own.
Should I mention that Mr. Lead Foot got a ticket on the way home going 80 (which was actually lucky! ha). It was Bryan, not Jason.
Now it's off to unpacking and doing laundry and paying bills - wow, reality check. Thanks to GG and Bubba for watching the kiddos so we could have our first "us" weekend in four and a half years (aka since kids).
We met Mr. Mason (otherwise "Little Mason" around our house as Grant's best friend is named Mason - he's "Big Mason") before leaving Edmond as they were in town - cutie pie!
Hope everyone has a great Halloween week! Wags the Dog and Cowboy are looking forward to Friday's events!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
High Chair, Bye Chair!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Homecoming Celebrations

Homecoming week at OSU is unbelievable. It is close to my heart, maybe more than a lot of others, because of my time spent on the executive team and on steering; plus, anyone from the Greek system appreciates the effort of the home decorations, signs, football frenzy, etc. It's been truly fun to share some of these events with my boys - not that Kyle will remember, but Grant was really in to the house decs and the campus stuff this year.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
The Ultimate Gift
The book is called The Ultimate Gift by Jim Stovall. It's a story about family, love, money and the true gifts in the world. Without ruining it, a young 24 year old learns through a series of "tests" the value of life's blessings... granted to him by his great-uncle's will, while the rest of his family received millions of dollars. He doesn't. He has to work for it, and ends up learning and having so much more.
The gifts include the following: value of honest work, gift of money, true friends, learning, problems, family, laughter, dreams, giving, gratitude, a day, and of love.
It's an easy read and it does make you think about how you live your life. I'm normally a fan of romances (go Danielle Steele and Nora Roberts!) and love recommendations, too. Do you have any?
Also, let's see... a recap of us this week. Busy work week. Preschool Open House. Haley's joint birthday party. Tried a few new recipes for dinners - nothing too exciting. Jason attended a friend's funeral. Texas beat OU. OSU is currently holding a small 3 point lead over Missouri (note: Jason is glued to it and I'm at the computer. Big shocker. It always makes for a happier Sunday if the Cowboys win, in his eyes!). Playgroup and a few long walks for me. We're on Mucinex trying to get rid of the crud. Planted 3 trees in our backyard. Had some friends over and made homemade Halloween sugar cookies. Relaxed at Kristy's while - gasp - the kids played nicely.
I'll try to do some various stuff on this site and not only just update on the kids (but that sure is the best for a proud mom!). Love to you all - thanks for checking this out.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Pumpkin Patch Party

We ended the day at the Oklahoma State football game where we beat Texas A&M quite handily. What a blast! We were even able to catch up with some college friends we hadn't seen in quite a while at tailgates and then during the game (was there even a 2nd half, Casey and Becky?!)
And on this special day one year ago, Wes and Anne were married! Happy Anniversary!
And We're Off!
It's safe to assume that I, Stacy, will be posting the majority of our entries, but Jason may add some words here and there (if OSU goes 9-3 over my 7-5 bet then I'm sure he'll let the world know!).
We hope to update this enough so you can know what is going on in our lives and see some of the funny things the boys do, but not count on it as our communication tool. Lots of love to each of you.
And, I also want to welcome Mr. Mason Hunter to our world! Congratulations, Emily and Hunter! We love you guys and can't wait to meet your little man. :)