Grant's football team - I hadn't posted team photo on here so I needed to do that for memory sake.
They went undefeated this season!

Friends invited us over to watch an OSU football game, and while we watching SULLY, from the Monsters movies, showed up to say hi!!!
I guess Reid really wanted to listen to music. His CD player was sitting in the upstairs hallway and he brought it down and plugged it in the kitchen.
Mr. Kyle has a fun personality this year. He is more creative and independent.
This is the second time he has covered - literally covered our huge driveway - with a chalk city.
Darn the weather - both times he has drawn these, it has rained that evening.
He spends an hour + adding everything he needs in his city (Pizza Hut is usually the first building), and then rides his scooter around visiting all of the places, including gas, bank, school, church, etc.
I was getting bored one day just playing in the driveway so I told them all to get ready and that we would be taking a nature hike. I think Grant groaned.....
However, I turned it in to a game for his little competitive nature and then it became as awesome idea. We walked all around and whomever came up with the "brightest red leaf" got a point, etc.
These categories were: polka dotted, green, orange, red, yellow, small (above yellow), brown, tye-died, and biggest.
Grant put the above sheet together and then a graph to see who had which leaves (he and I tied with 3, Kyle had 2, for the record).
My sweet-natured kid didn't care about who won - Kyle just put all of the pretty ones randomly on the paper so it would look like fall! :)
"Leafs fond by: Kyle and Grant and Stacy" (what?!?!)
More driveway play with Weir...
... and Aaron
Here's where it gets fun!
I have been able to go on TWO dates in the past week. My first was with my loverboy. We went to the OSU game, and then couldn't decide what to do... so we went to Braums and rented a movie. WHY when we have no kids did we "just do that?"
We really don't know as we were both trying to make ourselves go eat or go out somewhere we don't go when we have the boys, but that's all we wanted to do! A little quiet quality time!
My next date was with my favorite 6 year old. He could go anywhere he wanted for dinner, and we ended up at Sonic getting the best grilled cheese EVER! :)
We then went to the OSU game where we HAD to make funny faces, eat popcorn, and laugh a lot.
I haven't been with Kyle much lately where I am wishing he would quit talking. (and not that I really did....) but this date he was SO TALKATIVE. He had a comment or question or joke about absolutely everything we saw or did, which lets me know he was really having a good time.
The best part of the night for me was walking in to Gallagher-Iba, he looks up at me with his big dimples and says, "you know, Mom. This is the best date EVER" and then gives me a fist bump. I would have preferred a hug and kiss, but I will take an uninvited-best-date-ever-fist-bump any day!
While at Gallagher-Iba and by ourselves, I took the time to show Kyle the memorial for the Remember the Ten crash victims. We specifically talked about these two guys: one I knew, and one is the husband of a dear friend of mine. His sweet daughter, Andie, has been practicing volleyball with me and just made the 13 year old volleyball club team!
Football game day pictures! This kids LOVES games so far. He is doing great this season.
The Fox Sports "Robot" at OSU
Pics from the boys when J and I had our date - watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and then playing games with GG and Bubba!