We had friends over last Wednesday for dinner. When they left, I was cleaning the kitchen and Jason grabbed a bite of the leftover meat. Long story short, shredded bbq beef got caught in his esophagus, but down low so he can still breathe. Three hours later it was still stuck and once he started to cough blood, we headed to the ER. This led to emergency surgery. Turns out he had a 3" tear in esophagus and we discovered he has a chronic condition which makes rings form around esophagus and has probably had severe "silent reflux" for years. Once it heals, he'll have expansion surgery.
He's fine - just has had to drink liquids for a week - not happy :)
This happened a week ago so tonight we're having a real meal together!
Chicken enchiladas, here we come!
This was in the ER when it was "not good"...

This was before surgery when I knew my baby was really bad - this was "really painful" and kinda scary to see what was being coughed up.
In our hospital room while he had to wait all day to be monitored to make sure his esophagus wasn't going to rupture. I loved this board. I ended up drawing different hairstyles on the faces below as some entertainment. Hope it made someone laugh that evening.
All good!
The diet for a week...
We came home after 20 hours in hospital (I hadn't slept a wink and was exhausted!) and woke up to the huge storm on Friday morning. At one point, our house went KAPOW as we saw it lightning outside.... and we realized we were hit. DARN IT. Several appliances/systems were fried. I wish it was the $20 lamps and clocks but it is the control panels for AC, garage doors, sprinkler, alarm, our refrigerator, Tvs/phones/computer, etc.... AC got back on last Friday but still waiting on everyone else.
Could have been much worse with a house fire... lucky it's just "stuff."
Not sure we're going to reach our deductible amount either... yea!