A rainy, terribly cold day - the four of us headed to the Remember the Ten annual run. Grant was supposed to have baseball but it was cancelled. He did the fun run with Reid (and the two of them ended up missing the turn and ran a long time!) ha.

Hanging out with the team before the event.
And Coach Boynton

Here are the "real" photos from the run, taken by Brent Niles!
The body with the striped umbrella on the curb in the middle of the picture is me - waiting on the boys who got lost on the course to arrive. :)

After the race, our van battery was dead (thanks to a certain 13 year old and 6 year old who decided to get in and turn on everything except the car). Jason was out of town. Called Dad. Ended up getting a nice police officer to jump start me. (!!!)
We headed to men's tennis for bedlam. The coach is our neighbor and we wanted to go check it out.
Curty Shack hot dogs!
Reid came home (again, still raining) and turned our garage in to a tennis court.
Pictures from a tournament.
the whole batting sequence...