What a blessing it is for all of us to spend summer together!
It was great 3 months, for the most part. :)
Grant went with our church to Falls Creek and took Max this year.

While he was at camp, we babysat a friend's guinea pig - Cowboy.
Cowboy and Rosco ended up being super, duper friends.
I think my husband has an addiction to spices and seasonings...
Reiders got a night out to Joes with just Mom and Dad!
I hardly wanted to get up this morning (minus a varmit in my bed!) with Kyle cuddles (a rare thing!)
Aerial picture of the baseball stadium, zoo, and parking lot.
The white cage is the team's warmup area.
I will miss your imagination when you outgrow playing with toys, Reid!
Our annual lemonade stand - this year, the boys made $78 but owed $17 in costs, so just about $20/each over a 2 hour period... we have such kind neighbors, friends and strangers all around us!
a very proud moment...
My friend made these earrings. It's a picture of me that I actually like!
the A's crew with a last shindig!
Youth pastor dunk tank...
neighborhood kids at the Lawson's new pool!
Reid and Baylor
Kyle went to Nana's house for a few days.
leave it to him to make weird, high shorts look cute. :)
Kyle hanging with Bubba
Bubba being ornery...
new sign painted by our youth for their building - pretty cool!
We went to Jellystone at Lake Keystone
I was worn out from the obstacles. The worst was when you fell off and had to climb back up - no steps or handles.
Chase and Madison finally married!!!
Reid was the ring bearer and G and K were Junior Ushers (program hander-outers!)
I took so few pictures... here are the girl cousins.
All of the cousins minus Will who is on the other side of the window
Handsome men!
Modeling session during pictures
He felt handsome!
Gary and Sylvia, Alyson and Ron, Mom and Dad - sibling getaway
"Oh...yay... another band instrument..." This is actually Kyle's trumpet for the year but Grant wanted to pull it out and play it while I was driving. Wanna do my carpool for me?!
Thanks, kids for the pic - life of a Mom - filling out all of the paperwork for the babes!