Sunday afternoon decorating for the Class of 2029 in their 5th grade pod.
I have started deleting my Westwood alarm each day on my phone.
Silhouettes and decorating were my area this year.
So I got to hang them where I wanted.
Here's Reid Jeffrey Walker
And I got to place them where I wanted - Reid went between Izzy and Mattie.
So the Moms had to take a picture!
His class has raised money to leave a "legacy gift" for lack of a better term. In the old building, many people used to take the same picture to see the growth of their kid each year. So, a creative mom in our bunch created this Eagle and our hope is that he is placed out on major event days for just that purpose. I think he turned out great!
And this class all got to sign the back

Dropping him off the morning of graduation! My last time!
The baseball team!

They performed a song and Reid had a rap line in it.

His class

We got away with cans of confetti spray!
with Cort

Izzy and Mattie

The family! Kyle had a final.

His friend since PreK, Ainslee.
Tate Stuever

UHBC crew

Partying at the after party! We had Canes chicken, chips, cookies, candy and drinks.
Bounce houses, dodgeball, volleyball, art station, makeup station, basketball, dance/DJ area,...

Dad and Mom even got in on the fun (no pic of me, tho!)
Happy 20th anniversary to us today!
spontaneous pool party at Isaac's after school!
Last morning of 5th grade - wearing his Neers graduation gift shirt!
They Synchronized Swimming Dudes

Wearing my Westwood Mom shirt... for the last time.
Taking a selfie with a kid at Westwood... for the last time.