Monday, January 12, 2009

365 in 365

It's been a while since I have gotten on here and just typed away! I never gave any updates on our holidays but they were good. Not a lot of traveling, although Jason and I both wish we were able to go skiing, and a lot of laughs. The boys were so in to Santa this year although it seems we, as parents, really hype up the event and at least for us, the kids didn't react as hugely as we had hoped. They were both thrilled with their bikes and odds-n-ends but we wanted crazy excitement and just got enjoyment.

I'm also really ready for a good snow. A nice, cozy, school-cancelled, build-a-snowman-and-make-a-snow-angel snow day.

We spent New Years Eve at some friends until we headed home for the boys' bedtimes. Jason and I then watched a movie and crashed. Now the decorations are down, we've painted a few rooms, and it's back to reality. Which brings me to my whole reason for getting on here today: My Resolution.

Must say, it's usually something trivial like drink less Dr. Pepper or lose 5 pounds. This year I am going to accomplish something that I've always wanted to do, but have never followed through with, and that is to read the entire Bible in 2009.

Each word. Every story. Every parable.

I've had a Bible that my parents gave me in 1999 designed in 365 days. Nothing like getting to it a decade later! So far, I'm doing good! I didn't share as I haven't had time to write nor was I really sure of my dedication, but I am GOING to spend 20 minutes each day reading the Bible.

I'd love encouragement - check back in August and kick my rear if I need it! I wouldn't mind losing those 5 pounds I mentioned, either, but it's just not going to be my focus!


Angela & Brad said...

does your schedule read in chronological order? i'd like to do the same as well... eventually ;)

Casey said...

Hey Stac! I think that is a great New Years Resolution. My church recently did the Bible in 90 Days (its actually a book you can buy that is designed to read in 90 days). You might look at getting it! Love you and miss you!