Friday, March 20, 2009

Honey Bunny

This is Stacy's mom! I just had to tell somebody - Stacy is such a lucky gal! Grant calls her "Honey" or "Honey Bunny" as much, if not more, than he calls her "Mommy"! It is the most precious thing I have ever heard! I wish you could hear it - it is VERY sweet!

The ironic thing is that I truly wanted my grandmother name to be "Honey" and my adult kids said No. Maybe now Stacy realizes why I wanted them call me "Honey"! It is the sweetest thing EVER!


E.Gray said...

that is wayyyyyy too cute :) he is honestly such a sweet little guy! He has stolen my heart many a times and I bet he will still brinley's too when she gets older :) hehehe and I wouldnt complain about that one bit.

Kristy said...

Does he call you that b/c Jason calls you that? It is really, really sweet.