Monday, March 8, 2010

Meet Teddy Bear

One of Grant's birthday presents was a "Grow A Frog" where you send in the certificate for a tadpole and then get to experience the development from tadpole to frog... he arrived on Friday! We have his little aquarium all set up in our kitchen and it's been fun. His little legs are starting to grow and we can tell he has changed just in four days.

Here he is posing for a picture!
And then he even went to side view shot for me knowing I was trying to take it! how helpful. (suggestion - WAY easier pet than a dog or cat).
Grant could name our tadpole anything he wanted, and he finally settled on Teddy Bear. ohhh-kaayy. But, whatever floats his boat.
So, welcome to Teddy Bear the Tadpole/Froggy. :)


Kristy said...

Cute!! Sounds really fun, to watch it grow. That's what we've loved about the sea monkeys.

Amanda said...

So are you going to keep Teddy Bear when he's a frog?

Casey said...

What a fun present! Is Teddy Bear going to be a permanent addition as a frog too?? :)

Hope all is well!!