Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day and other pics

K's first day of preschool has come and gone! Here are his three teachers - two of whom we had when Grant when thru the program. Yay! He had a fabulous day, and when I asked when I picked him up if he napped, one of his teachers belly-laughed "uh, no, he didn't nap." :)

We have a big kindergartener in our house!!!!! He had a great first day, was very excited to go, and there were no tears shed by anyone. There are 7 kids from his pre-k class in his kindergarten class so that helps! Also, he has grown 2 "bricks" since last year (we take pictures by the school sign) for a fun fact. Jason joined us for dropoff!

Doesn't he look stinking old?!?!

Typical event for the boys... driving the golf cart present by some old neighbors. I have to limit Kyle's time in this, usually daily, to 15 minutes so he will actually do physical exercise.

Miss Mary - our Monday morning librarian friend! Just happened to have the camera from the first day of school so I snapped their pic. She has known Kyle since he was 7 months, and has seen him at least 90% of the Mondays since then!
We took one last trip to the zoo last week and enjoyed the Lorikeets actually hopping on us this time around. Grant had no fear.

My brother and sister-in-law moved to the metro area a few weeks ago after both having gotten jobs! We went down to see their new place and have some cake for his birthday.


The Cross Family said...

Your boys look so grown up! Time sure does fly by, doesn't it?!

E.Gray said...

stacy....they are soooo precious!!! i LOVE the comment and the pic of them on the golfcart :) those boys make me laugh! and wow grant looks so big by his door AND he looks alot like his momma in that pic! seriously! miss you friend, cant wait to hang out sometime!! love ya