Sunday, April 3, 2011

Been reading!

I've used the last few weeks of forced laziness to catch up on some books and reading, which is something I love to do, but usually use that available time to pick up the house or do dishes or snuggle up and watch some television or piddle on the internet. The books I have read in the past three weeks are:

Any other suggestions? My library card loves to be used!


Courtney said...

Have you read the Hunger Games series? It's three books. Kind of far out there, but it will definitely grab your attention. They are making movies out of the books too this year. So you can read and then watch!

The Cross Family said...

Hope you are listening to the doctor and getting your rest! I was on bed rest starting at 31 weeks with Leighton because of contractions and being dilated to a 3. It definitely isn't easy when you have other kids (Logan was 13 1/2 months old at the time.) As for books, I recently ready One Thousand Splendid Suns & Water for Elephants and really enjoyed them both. I also second Courtney's suggestion of Hunger Games, I loved that series too!. Hang in there and take it really easy!

Anonymous said...

Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah