Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Go Fly A Kite

A month ago, my pledge sisters decided to try to get together! There were only eight of us who were able to make it to the park but it was a great group of eight! These girls below, along with about four others who weren't able to come, were my greatest joys in college aside from meeting Jason. So many of my great memories at OSU include some or all of these fabulous women.

Just from this group, we have people in Missouri, California, Texas, Virginia, and then four are still in Oklahoma. Most haven't been together in around six years! Amazing.

It's been 13 years next month since we went through greek recruitment and chose to be members of Kappa Alpha Theta. What a quick 13 years! We're all married; most are moms; PhD accomplished; Masters accomplished; business owners and home managers (!). What a great group!

Erryn, in the dark pink, had a baby 2 months before this, and Reid was only three weeks old! She was also my "pot luck" roommate and so it's really fun to have ended up in the same sorority, much less as such great life-long friends. Love you girls! Thanks, Courtney, for sharing the photo!!

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