Sunday, October 30, 2011
Grant story
When we took the boys to go to the bathroom, Grant was more awake than normal. I told him they were spending the night with us. After he was in bed and we were working with Kyle, Grants softly yells "G!" "Yes, Honey" "Thank you for letting us spend the night with you." "Of course, my love. I love you so much...more than you can even imagine." "Well, I can't love you that much because I have to love God first." Then with his eyes still closed, he stretches out both arms and gives me the biggest hug. Bubba named him correctly - "Precious."
:) Jason and I just love him so much!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Life at 5 months

tick-tock. tick-tock. Someone please stop my baby's growth clock!
There are times when the past five months have just seemed so wearing and long, but most of the time, it has gone so fast! Life at five months:
- Reid thinks he can sit all by himself. He can't yet, but I have to give him an A+ for his efforts. Any time he is in a chair or laying down, he uses those tummy and neck muscles to pull up.
- He rolls over both directions every time he lays down. He still isn't loving being on his stomach, which has proven very tiring to me depending on how many times he rolls during the night. (yes, I know, Dr. Stephens, I should stop going in there but I don't pick him up - just roll him safely over).
- Guaranteed laughs include: pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, eskimo kisses on the nose, any baby talk to him with my/whomever's undivided attention (more rare than I wish).
- Taking 5 - 6 oz. bottles/day. I am still pumping breastmilk daily for these. :)
- His reflux is better! He still wears bibs all the time, but a lot of that is now for the constant stream of drool from his mouth.
- Bedtime is at 8 pm - usually sleeps until 8:30 in the morning, with the few visits to his room for being on his tummy.
- Reid still loves to be swaddled at naptime (sleepsacks at night now).
- He has discovered his tongue and loves to play with it and make new faces with his mouth and tongue. He is also trying sooo hard to make different noises out of his mouth. Loves to babble back to me.
- He currently has his first cold. Snotty boogers, cough, low temp and all. Thanks, Kyle and Grant, for not leaving your dirty hands off of him when you were sick last week.
- No idea on his weight - which means we think he is doing great since we haven't weighed him since his doctor's visit last month!
In the above photos, there are two of Reid in the past day (so close to five months!), and then Halloween activities for the big boys. They painted pumpkins with my Mom, and then we made mummies out of 2x4's and torn white fabric.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
one brother hitting another while he says "didn't hurt", then another smack, then "didn't hurt", then another smack, over and over. I should probably intervene but I am kind of laughing (and recording it) instead... I guess referee should be in my job description now, too!
The Mighty Macs
The Mighty Macs will be showing starting Friday at your local movie theater! I have heard it is a must-see!
The reason I really want to go see it?!? I always love sports movies, and a sports movie about girls is even better!
But the REAL reason? One of my best friends growing up, and my outside hitter from middle school through our Club Volleyball Junior Olympic team is one of the girls in the show! You can see her in the movie clip in the letter jacket in the library scene! She always had hopes of filming, and after heading to NYC after graduation, she has reached her dream of being on the big screen! Way to go, Kim!
My past-time is here again!
Volleyball: Volleyball is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net. Each team tries to score points by grounding a ball on the other team's court under organized rules. Definition from wikipedia.
They make it sound so simple, right?
Let's just say that I was too chicken to join a league that I have been asked to join the past three seasons (two of which I was pregnant so they don't really count!). I, however, am playing now. The team is 6-2. The teammates are other moms from around town who really aren't "friends" off the court - except for Jennifer and me! She is a friend from our playgroup, and once when we took our boys (she has two the same age as G and K) to a gym to burn some energy, she served the volleyball over the net - and well! :) So, she is playing. We had a "team bonding" last Friday after our game, and met up with another of our teammates who is the soccer coach at OSU, and had a great time! We, ironically, have a lot in common among our group.
Have I mentioned how great it feels to get back on the court and be playing "real" volleyball after a solid decade away from playing? and how great it feels to serve 11 points in a row? and still somewhat be able to direct my serve? and set the ball up for a teammate to smack down?!?
It's good for my body to be playing.... and really good for my soul!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Teach Me How to Gundy
Grant was asked to be in the popular "flash mob" trend for assembly. By the time it gets to his turn, a majority of the students get up on their own and start jamming out! You can see him, in orange, getting ready to do his moves at 2:18 after the guy in gray starts (I didn't video this so it isn't focusing on him like his mom would have! ha), and then you can see Kyle in an orange striped shirt at the bottom of the screen (white hair) pop up as he thinks he is supposed to dance at 2:48. Go, Eagles (and Go, Mike Gundy!). And right after this you can glimpse Grant again doing his movies in the crowd in the middle of the screen.
Grant's pre-k girlfriend is at 1:50 and his lemonade stand buddy is around 2:00.
All of the above, based on our beloved coach!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Brooklyn Space Project
Homemade Spacecraft from Luke Geissbuhler on Vimeo.
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Grant was asked to participate in the school morning assembly. He told a joke but unfortunately forgot to communicate with his Mom that he was asked to do that until right before school - when it was too late for me to go because Reid was napping and I had invited six friends to be at our home!
His joke:
Where is a horse's favorite place to shop? Old Neeeiiiggghhhhvy!