Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life at 5 months

tick-tock. tick-tock. Someone please stop my baby's growth clock!
There are times when the past five months have just seemed so wearing and long, but most of the time, it has gone so fast! Life at five months:

  • Reid thinks he can sit all by himself. He can't yet, but I have to give him an A+ for his efforts. Any time he is in a chair or laying down, he uses those tummy and neck muscles to pull up.

  • He rolls over both directions every time he lays down. He still isn't loving being on his stomach, which has proven very tiring to me depending on how many times he rolls during the night. (yes, I know, Dr. Stephens, I should stop going in there but I don't pick him up - just roll him safely over).

  • Guaranteed laughs include: pat-a-cake, peek-a-boo, eskimo kisses on the nose, any baby talk to him with my/whomever's undivided attention (more rare than I wish).

  • Taking 5 - 6 oz. bottles/day. I am still pumping breastmilk daily for these. :)

  • His reflux is better! He still wears bibs all the time, but a lot of that is now for the constant stream of drool from his mouth.

  • Bedtime is at 8 pm - usually sleeps until 8:30 in the morning, with the few visits to his room for being on his tummy.

  • Reid still loves to be swaddled at naptime (sleepsacks at night now).

  • He has discovered his tongue and loves to play with it and make new faces with his mouth and tongue. He is also trying sooo hard to make different noises out of his mouth. Loves to babble back to me.

  • He currently has his first cold. Snotty boogers, cough, low temp and all. Thanks, Kyle and Grant, for not leaving your dirty hands off of him when you were sick last week.

  • No idea on his weight - which means we think he is doing great since we haven't weighed him since his doctor's visit last month!

In the above photos, there are two of Reid in the past day (so close to five months!), and then Halloween activities for the big boys. They painted pumpkins with my Mom, and then we made mummies out of 2x4's and torn white fabric.

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