Friday, March 9, 2012


Tonight marked the last breast milk bottle for Mr. Reid. Yes, I cried. No, it's not the end of me nursing, but it is a significant step (and I can't emphasize that enough) for me to start feeding him formula, and very soon, to whole milk.

I exclusively nursed/breast milk bottles Grant for 12 months and about a week. The beginning six weeks of his life (a month early) trying to get it to work was exhausting. Jason, my Mom, Aunt Kelly, and Granny took shifts helping me out and we did the pump/syringe/tube/shield/etc. tiring but so glad I stuck with it because he was finally able to suck and nurse. I worked until he was almost 10 months old so a lot of that was pumping at work. At that point, I was offered a great job that I couldn't pass up of 2 days/week, and could still have the opportunity from the Director (the late Carolyn Hill) to pump. Great job for me at the time!

I exclusively nursed Kyle until 13 months, and was able to not have a job during this time, except for buying the business/moving/starting that job but from home. He was a great nurser.

Reiders... if you are new to the blog, you can get his baby history here. So, I made it to 9 months and a little bit with him. We still have nursing time in the mornings, usually laying in bed, which is my favorite. He is really distracted when we try to nurse so it otherwise doesn't work!

Nursing has been very important to me, but it really proved to be imperative to Jason. I wanted to quit 6 months ago with Reid, and he encouraged me to continue, and I am so glad I did.
So, these breasts have nursed for 34 months so far and given a great, healthy start to our three little boys!

Bittersweet day for me today!!!!!


Grande Family said...

i hear ya on this... for some reason it is sooo bitter sweet!!! all mine stopped at 9mos and Cade was the same... i think i went into denial about it :( part of me wants him to stay his little baby self and the other part... unsure of him growing up knows that he has to... i mean, just yesterday we both found out we were pregnant with our first!! where does the time go?!?! i feel ya sweet friend, Coit Dr.Pepper will put a smile on your face!! :) call ya this week!

Heidi said...

Aww! Such a bittersweet time! Now sell that pump for meeeeelions of dollars and spend it on bras that don't have a flap! Yesss! ;)