Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Four Sickies

We're all four on antibiotics right now!!! Actually, Jason and I are happy about it - hopefully, we can all four feel good at the same time in a few days - it's been at least a month since someone didn't have a cough or something... We haven't had a prescription filled in like 9 months, and today we got five of them at the drugstore. Making up for lost time!

I took both boys to the doctor this morning: Grant b/c he was feeling sickly, and Kyle for his 3 year check up (the initial reason for the appt but then he got sick with other stuff (below), and I was so glad we were scheduled!).

Kyle is nearly 90% for both height and weight.
Grant is right at 50% for both height and weight.
Nothing surprising to anyone about those figures. Kyle is 3" shorter than Grant. And, really, Grant has grown a bit more as he has consistently been in the 25% since birth.

Grant has pink eye. Terribly contagious. The rest just have bad sinus infections. Oh, yes - did I mention that when Kyle woke up this morning his ear was bleeding and had dried, crusty blood all over his cheek and ear?? Talk about a great way to freak a mom out! The pediatrician said is appeared he had stuck something in there and it hadn't broken his ear drum but had scratched it enough to cause it to bleed.

It's been a fun day! Just so very grateful for TV and movies on days like today when I'm too tired and sick to entertain, and they don't want to do anything away from me or on their own.

Chicken noodle soup, anyone?!?!


Courtney said...

Yuck! Hope your family gets to feeling better very soon!

E.Gray said...

ohhh man girl! Calin had blood in his bed and ear a couple months ago, and that ISSSSS very scary. He had actually ruptured his ear drum :( after tube fell out. I hope that you all are getting on the mends now and when everyone is better, we will come adn see you guys and play :)

Casey said...
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Casey said...

Many prayers for a healthy family! Love you!

Sarah and Nick Marquez said...

Oh, no!!! Get well soon! Sending happy, healthy vibes!