Time is flying! I will only have posted a handful of times in October and that is so unlike me. Guess it's better to be present with my kids than on here posting pictures...
Reiders is riding a bike! :) We got his "new" bike down from the attic and he took off like a champ. A VERY proud champ, I might add.
Our buds, Parker and Grady, will be missed now that flag football is over. It's always wonderful/helpful/more fun to be on sports teams with other little siblings!
Now THIS is artwork! :)
The apple didn't fall far from the non-artistic gene tree that Jason and I have started. Our kids don't show a desire (or really a talent) for anything artistic - this is just evidenced by the "ice cream cone" Reid had to color at school. The cone was provided - he did the blob of yellow. Very creative. ha.
Homecoming day in Stillwater - you get horses on the road, stopped at a stoplight next to our vehicle! We just thought this was funny and odd.
Our church fall festival was this weekend.
Reid needed a cuddle from Daddy
Lance, Will and Jason were the grillmasters for the event. Fun friends.
We love our library!
Some of Reid's best buds - Jack and Clay.
My happy place is at the volleyball court. It always helps when I can play with fun, nice women! We had our first loss this week and decided to mourn it over pizzas and chips and queso. :) Now can you see why they're fun?!?
Last but not least, Reid learned how to climb trees this week in our backyard!