Sunday, December 31, 2023

Oklahoma All Academies Ball

We were able to get fancy a few nights ago for the Oklahoma All Academies Ball held at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club.  This is an annual ball hosted by the academy parent's club on a rotating basis meant to help them network and celebrate their accomplishments. Kristy helped me dress shop, Julie let me wear her shoes and Mom provided the great jewelry.

I got a manicure and a sparkly dress!
Drew Russell - this was their first time to actually meet but our paths have crossed so often. His older brother was a baseball coach of Grant's in 9th grade, we bought our Walking Trail lot from their family 14 years ago, and we live a few blocks from their family. Drew is graduating the Naval Academy this spring and has earned an amazing opportunity for his next step.
USAFA, West Point, Naval Academy, Merchant Marine (1) and Coast Guard (2)
All cadets are introduced by Academy and walk through the saber ROTC.
The cadets were given a flower to give to their parents
First Dance - fun picture as our two of my friends are in the background - Caroline from Deer Creek and Candi from Stillwater

Tuesday, December 26, 2023


Grant had half of a day to kill before catching his flight home. So he modeled his new ski gear for us.
He's home for three weeks!
He was able to catch a wrestling match - and Kyle got a PIN! #2 pin and #3 win!

Christmas sugar cookies at Mom's house.
 The fellas went golfing one day and had a super time. They scrambled and the two teams tied!

Our house this year! and our green and red bush lights aren't on in this one either.

Jason buys in excess... a lot. I am out of pantry space and we have a big pantry... I wonder why! :/

Klife Christmas party - and we got to hang out with a few of our favorite girls!

Reiders made SPS social media for "career day" events
I walked in from work one day and all four of them were either asleep or trying to be asleep.
He's usually my "yes" buddy. This was "yes" to going on a walk.

Christmas Eve
Family picture! First one in seven months.
We go about every three or four years for a family picture from the timer.
I took zero pictures this year. Glad Mom took some and shared.
Family Christmas
He was so thankful and appreciative. Big hugs for his Mom. Glad Jason got this photo.
Jason hung his peppers!
Christmas at Nana's - this is the only picture I took! The Turners had already left.  Wayne and Edith came by today for a few hours on their way home and we had a great visit with them.