Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Grant has a job - dog walker - 4 days a week.  He walks Jake (big dog) and then the little dog has since been run over by a car (sad story, I know).

I went to 2nd grade lunch and found these Yard Goats read for their game!

You just never get too old to play with fun kid toys. Our neighbor, Kristina, gave them an Easter basket with goodies.

My husband's awesome-er than yours!  :)  Jason makes waffles most Sunday mornings.

Easter egg hunt at Nana's got a little competitive!

Happy Easter!

I went to 2nd grade lunch the following week, too, and was bombarded by friends.

Grant has found a good group of guys in his K-life small group. Thanks to leaders, Luke and Caden!

Kyle found a western outfit he wanted (bought the jeans).

Baseball game watching with my favorite parents!

These dudes made it to the finals in a 14U tournament as a 13U team!

Tate, John and Reid at church - sweet buddies!

Yard Goats win!

dog pile for Coach Jason's birthday!

Jason is 40!

Our staff was super fun this year to celebrate Jason.  I had ordered the yard signage but the girls decorated inside - and had cupcakes for patients!
Fuzzys for lunch!

House decor!
Jason's first reaction when I asked him to pose...

 then the post for social media so he relocated

Waiting for Dad to show up for cake is the hardest ever!

 Cake time

We love you and are thankful daily for your love and dedication and loyalty and hard work for this family. We are better because of you, JW!

Monday, April 15, 2019

Pawnee 320

A new chapter in our lives....

Most of the gang at the first gathering.

 This will be really pretty with leaves on it


A beautiful 7 acre 28 foot deep spring-fed pond

Just showing the variety in elevation

 My dad!  Sorry I cut off your head in the selfie!

Jason already at work making a clearer path

Without permission (shocker!), they drove themselves to see us.  

Jason got me a sign - he is so thoughtful!  :)  Just hope they read it and obey.

 Just a wee bit of fun!  :)

Beer Pong and Palm Sunday

That just means we are well-rounded, right?!
Julie and I took a selfie as one of our friends found out we were both playing and she wasn't - we wanted her to know she was missing out!

Jason and I went 1-2.  The two teams we lost to were in the finals, thank you very much.

Church Easter egg hunt on Palm Sunday.
It was a glorious day!
Tate and Reid in their annual photo.

Tate invited their classmate Arvin to join us.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Grant started his first day of work today. He sent fliers around to different neighbors telling them he's available to help with tasks around their houses. One neighbor has asked him to walk his dog four days a week - for as long as he would like. So it's quite a commitment but at least he is getting exercise and bonding with his new buddy, Jake!  Three other families have been in touch about yard work.

Mr. Reid finally wore a dressy shirt and jeans to school today after a couple days of me asking him too. He's making a pose in front of the front door like Kyle did when he wore it. I think he's super cute.

Sweet dreams to you, my precious little kid who I can hardly pick up anymore. Can't believe how fast all three of the boys are growing up. I will miss these angelic moments a lot.

I would like to have a post about Kyle as well but he has been too busy being social with his friends after school, primarily the wyldlife group. And then when he has been home this week, I have been away. 

We have three very distinct personalities among our three boys and I wouldn't change any of them at all.