Grant up at at 'em at the airfield before sunrise!
Poor kid never sleeps! HA HA HA.Trouble.
KLIFE had their first Great Cowboy Chase - basically a scavenger hunt around Stillwater. The drivers could be parents or small group leaders. We joined with the Owens and Evan.
Someone get in a trash can.
Build a tower.
Frolick in a field. Serenade a couple. Both at Boomer...
pass water to fill the above the line in a minute.
a hopping/coordination game at Strickland in 30 seconds
A photo at three chain restaurants (Arbys, McAlisters and HTeaO), eat a meal, picture with a waiter, and signature of a person with blonde hair. check check and check at McAlisters.
"50 points if your driver drinks a gallon of tea in 10 minutes" so Ty drove while Jason drank.
Halloween hangman at Boone Pickens
Our driver barfing at a drain on OSU's campus.
Trivia at OSU
We got 20 points for "someone from your team fully submerged in a body of water" so Evan hopped in OSU's library fountain. ha!
a ball game at Westwood
parking lot pong at Ultimate Air
Popped a bag of popcorn
Mooovers team! We won the most points of the teams and had a fun time doing it.My friends.
The gang is back together!
Logan Taylor and Grant golfed on Saturday. Fortunately for Grant, Logan is on the yearbook committee and was practicing taking photos. Lucky Mom!!