Friday, May 1, 2009

Weed time

Jason and I got a kick out of driving home last night at 8:00 pm from dinner with some friends. We were taking roads that are less traveled in town. (If you are familiar with Stillwater, I'm talking Lakeview and north side of Country Club.) Okay, so let me set this up for you for a clear picture: this weekend, the one before OSU finals, is famous for an event called "Calf Fry" at the Tumbleweed, or Weed for short. It is a huge, red-dirt country festival that goes on for 4 nights. Last night was night #2. At 8, there were SO many people already out there. For the 2 miles from the Weed to the intersection near our home, we laughed and laughed and laughed at every oncoming car, picking whether they were just driving like us or going to the event.

The conversation went something like this:
"truck. they're going"
"even bigger truck. Definitely"
"minivan. No"
"there's like six cowboy hats in that one! surely"
"those girls are primping in the mirror. totally"
"look at that truck and those tires! they're HUGE! they're getting drunk tonight"
"Lexus coupe. grandparents. nope"
"he needs to walk on the road and her on the inside part. that's not being a gentleman"
"that little truck wishes it were bigger but those cowboy hats sure want to tear up the dance floor tonight. Or just enjoy penny beer"

I know it's not nearly as hilarious to read but we were having so much fun "making fun" of these people because it was us eight years ago! We even commented on how similar this one truck was to his old roommates (shout out to you, Seth, since you read it!).

Stillwater usually doesn't feel like it's full of college kids, at least in our little bubble. But last night just proved how old we have become so very quickly!

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