Thursday, October 14, 2010

Dear Grant

Dear Grant,
  • You snore so loud in the mornings that I can hear you from the bathroom doorway. Bless your heart!
  • Your favorite thing about school is... why, of course - learning! followed by a close second of football on the playground.
  • It's basically impossible to get you to sit still. Only when I want to do writing games or color or something will you actually sit at the table. Even at mealtime, you have one foot on the floor,... always ready to go.
  • "Hey, Mom!" is your favorite thing to say, followed by "will you play _____ with me?" (insert any of the following: golf, soccer, catch, football, hockey, basketball, tennis) when you get out of the car from school, up until about 6:30 when it becomes "Hey, Dad!"
  • Did you know that you have the prettiest skin and eyes and eyelashes I've ever seen? Even your teeth (those sweet little baby teeth that will soon be replaced by those HUGE ones from your x-ray) are pretty. :) you're my pretty boy! and a real "boy" at heart.
  • I watched you today on the playground before our lunch date, and I saw you share the football several times with some other boys. that makes me proud ("that makes Jesus and Santa happy" is a quote Dad and I use sometimes to you guys).
  • You could care less about your clothes. You wear whatever we lay out together the night before.

Just wanted you to know what is going on at 5 1/2 with your life! I love you so much!

Your Kissing Hand,



Kristy said...

Awww, so sweet! Thinking maybe we can do a sleepover soon...what about next Wed night? Do you think Grant would want to stay the night with Mason?

Cat said...

SO sweet! I can't believe he's 5 1/2...