Monday, September 8, 2014

this is just simply an awful yet funny story that Grant asked I type on here so we can remember it forever.... not that Jason nor I will forget easily...

Sunday was an ideal fall day.  Our fam decided we should hit the tennis courts for some family fun exercise. 

After a while, our potty trained 3 year old said he needed to go to the bathroom (and, looking back, he usually says "tee tee" so I should have known...).

We told him to go "water the tree" over there in the corner of the court, through the fence.

We started back up playing and quickly noticed Reid was outside the fence.

He was squatting.  In public.  At a busy intersection. 


On. the. grass. like. a. dog.

What's a parent to do?!?  We praised him for not going in his undies and Jason quickly picked it up with a baby wipe.  Laughed.  Hyperventilated. Laughed.

Then I aced my serve against my husband!  :)

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