Monday, June 29, 2015

Sports Parenting in 10 Sentences

I saw this on a fellow blogger site via facebook - had to share as it's so important in our family dynamic!Posted by shutterstock_131258765

1 word: Hi. Greet your child when they get in the car with “Hi” before you ask about practice, the score of the game or homework.
2 words: Have fun. In all likelihood you’ve heard this statistic: 70% of kids quit sports before they turn 13 for the primary reason that they are not having fun. Encourage and remind your kids to have fun.
3 words: Tell me more. Before forming an opinion or dispensing advice, ask for more information from your child. This will force them to tell more of the story and give you more information as to what is actually happening.
4 words: Good job. Keep working. Doc Rivers, head coach of the Los Angeles Clippers and parent of a NBA player suggests these four words. Rivers notes that as parents we are often tempted to say more and analyze their kids performance, but saying only this might be what’s best for the kid who simply needs support.
5 words: What’s new in your world? Ask your kids general questions that are not about gymnastics. Even if the reply is “nothing” it gives you the opportunity to share something about your day.
6 words: I love to watch you play. Best six words ever.
7 words: So what do you think about that? You know your opinion, so before you jump to tell your child what it is, ask what his/her opinion is. You are not only learning more about what your child thinks but are also helping develop critical thinking skills.
8 words: Is there something I can do to help? Before you give a solution or an action plan, ask if that is what the child really wants. Sometimes all the child wants to do is blow off some steam, and we jump directly to “solving” the problem.
9 words: You are more important to me than your achievements. You may be thinking that of course this is true. But remind your child of it. In the absence of hearing this from you, your children might think that one of the reasons you love them is because of what they do, not because of who they are.
10 words: No matter what, I’m glad that I am your parent. To be loved wholly and completely for exactly who we are, flaws and all, is the greatest gift one person can give another. Please give that gift to your child. 

Blackbeard Missoula Children's Theater

Our community is one of dozens participating in the Missoula Children's Theater program.  It is free for children to tryout - the only cost is buying tickets for the show. 
Kyle read a banner in town and asked to tryout.  He was one of 73 who tried out, and 50 children were selected for the show.  He was cast as a Scary Seaweed Creature!  :)

These are the boys from our elementary who participated. Two completed 5th grade, one 3rd, then Kyle.  A great group of young men - they are fun and good kids!

On stage during the show...
He had a few speaking lines and participated in a few dances and group scenes.

The cast and crew!

church friends - Avery!
Volunteers were asked to help disassemble the stage - about four dads helped - one of them being our daddy!
We are so proud of Kyle for the bravery it takes to tryout, and then to confidently get on stage in front of hundreds of people, and always with a smile on his face.  The tryouts were on Monday and the show was Saturday - it was a week full of 4-5 hour rehearsals and took a lot of dedication. 
Great job, buddy!

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Jason's high school best friend, and our best man, finally married this weekend!

Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Smith!
The most fun part of weddings is seeing old friends... here's one of my high school best friends, Becky, who married one of Chris' law school friends and a friend of ours at OSU!

I forgot these on the Amaris post.... Kelly and Tony showing off their fun toy - a selfie stick!
hanging with Granny and her "roller!"

Thursday, June 25, 2015


We were able to finally meet this sweet, precious, beautiful little gift!
my boys were smitten, especially Grant, although Reid has talked about "that little baby" since our visit!  :)

Father's Day, last baseball and other fun!

These two big guys showed up matching at Fridaway!

Kyle decided it was more fun to drive down the road like a dog than like a boy. 
Reid had his four year check up.  He's42" and 39.4 pounds - 75th% and 65th% respectively.  No more heart murmur was heard, either!
We had our annual "old friends" day when we were there. We took pictures after Emily left but here's Erryn and Lauren.
State baseball for these guys was last weekend.  They showed up to play (most of the time!) and ended the season strong.  Grabbing a burger at Johnnies...
Trey, Barrett, Max and Grant
last at bat of the season... lost to Perkins.
Happy Father's Day to this stud!

Reid decided to play "pizza man like AJ" with me. AJ is our favorite waiter at Hideaway... yes, we go a lot.
We were all so tired... and we both commented on Reid being quiet.
He was upstairs cutting his brothers' game cards.  Very nice of him.

Reid begs to go get his teeth cleaned.... begs, people.... they had an opening so he went for the 2nd time!
He also came to our bathroom at 11p.m. and landed on our bed.  Not sure he was ever actually awake any of the time. Poor kid was tired!
Our sweet Grizzle went to Camp Cyokamo and returned having been kissed by the sun and a smile on his face. He had a blast!


VBS was this past week!  Our church did things a little differently this year, and my boys thought it was the best year ever!  Both of them wanted to be on stage to pray at different points throughout the week.
Kyle wrote his teachers thank you notes all by himself... pretty great words on those papers.

all three brothers singing and dancing together!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Reid's swim lessons

it was our first year to try our city's swimming lessons!  Wish we would have years ago - by far my favorite!  With his friend, Tucker...
there are eight days of class.  Seven of them are spent in groups and parents are asked to stay in a certain area away from the lessons.

Today, on the final day, parents are welcomed to the big pool, and the kids have a "play day" of jumping off the diving board and going down the slide!

I'm pretty sure the happy faces tell the whole story of the day...

These two were troopers.  They do kinda owe Reid some "his turn" time as Reid sits for hours each week at baseball, but it was hot at the lessons!  They had fun cheering him on today!

He was running and jumping off of the board!