Monday, June 29, 2015

Blackbeard Missoula Children's Theater

Our community is one of dozens participating in the Missoula Children's Theater program.  It is free for children to tryout - the only cost is buying tickets for the show. 
Kyle read a banner in town and asked to tryout.  He was one of 73 who tried out, and 50 children were selected for the show.  He was cast as a Scary Seaweed Creature!  :)

These are the boys from our elementary who participated. Two completed 5th grade, one 3rd, then Kyle.  A great group of young men - they are fun and good kids!

On stage during the show...
He had a few speaking lines and participated in a few dances and group scenes.

The cast and crew!

church friends - Avery!
Volunteers were asked to help disassemble the stage - about four dads helped - one of them being our daddy!
We are so proud of Kyle for the bravery it takes to tryout, and then to confidently get on stage in front of hundreds of people, and always with a smile on his face.  The tryouts were on Monday and the show was Saturday - it was a week full of 4-5 hour rehearsals and took a lot of dedication. 
Great job, buddy!

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