Monday, February 1, 2016

Kyle's testimony

My name is Kyle Walker, and I am 9 years old and in the 3rd grade.  A few years ago, I learned who God was in my life, and when I was 8, I accepted Christ in to my heart.  Now I’m 9 and I’m ready to be baptized.  When I started talking to my parents about getting baptized, we talked how important today would be for me. I truly believe that He could do amazing things in my life and in our lives, like creating our awesome world.  We have talked a lot and I have the faith to know who Christ really is to me.  Jesus Christ is the person who took our sins and washed us white as snow.  I know my family is proud of me, and so am I, but I know the person most proud is God.  I want to show His love to everyone and show that I am a follower of Him. My early Sunday school teachers, Mr. Larry and Mrs. Nikki, started to teach me about God. They made my life change. I remember the song they taught me: the b-i-b-l-e, yes that’s the book for me! That IS the book for me! I want to thank my Sunday school teachers Mrs. Sue, Mrs. Karen and Tally and Atticus for leading me to God. My parents have been great to teach me about prayer and having a relationship with God. Grant has been a great role model and I hope to teach my little brother, Reid, like Grant has helped me.  I know God is real and He is good.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Aww, that made me all teary eyed! What a sweet testimony. So happy for you, Kyle!