Cold day fun - Reid got to bake cookies (sort of!)
Grant birthday pictures - a big 'ol 14 year old!
teenager trying out his birthday present
Our youth group had DNOW retreat the first of March, and our house was the host home for middle school girls! We had fun - temporary tattooes, makeup, giggles, flowery smells and Bible studies!
Thankful for photos because I never heard about this - Grant leading discussion and a game
Oklahoma State started baseball season! The three of us went to a game during DNOW when G and K were activities.
My co-workers all showed up to work wearing the same outfits!
Westwood has a new music teacher this year, and for the first time, she had a grade do a school play. 2nd grade was her choice for it - yay!! Reid was "Gardner #4" and he was so very proud to be there.
Oh look at that cute pink flower, front and center. Where's Reid? He's the straw hat behind the ONE HUGE FLOWER! :(
Kyle got braces a week ago. Dr. Henneberry is the best!
It's that time of year again... baseaball!
Saturday was warm and sunny (even got sunburned).
Sunday was so very cold, windy, and raining. I had on boots, ski pants and was in our sport tent!
Grant's small group entered the Klife fundraising dodgeball tournament. They got 2nd. Great group of young men.
Good memories with Dad - tickle fights in front of the fire on a cold day.
Reid made this hat at school - perfect fit for Rosco!
Our friends, the Yurcich family, moved to Ohio last week. Kelly and I took Julie to a goodbye lunch and then Julie had a birthday party/going away party for the kids. Good luck to them - always thankful for friends from playgroup and the tough years of little toddlers.
my contribution to the book fair wall decor
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