Summertime is already one week gone... where to?!
Our neighbors host a shaving cream fight on the last day of school. I was able to send Reid with Anne as during this same time, our house was home to 45ish incoming 7th graders as Kyle has wanted to have a party at our house for months. So, we did. No pictures tho as Mom and I were too busy making pizza bites, monitoring the boys jumping from the fort to the trampoline, and asking there not be a fire in the chimenea burning textbooks. (oof)

On Friday, we spent the day at the Waits doing another shaving cream fight and swimming.

The boys slept in their blanket fort for a few nights.
Our family went to the Big XII tournament in Bricktown. The Morgans happened to be 3 rows behind us which was fun for all, especially Reid and Baylor.
... and the pop fly they got (a man caught it and gave to Reid).
Allie P. Reynolds bust
mini golf across the street
and since it was almost his birthday, Reid got a turn on this trampoline jumper thingy. (!) He started really hesitant but ended with a double back flip right when he ran out of time.
his free swag from the game
Reid is EIGHT! (I actually just typed SIX and went ... whoa... not right!).
The birthday boy asked for Chipotle for lunch and hot dogs for dinner. The grandparents joined us for a gorgeous evening on the patio.
Mom got the boys tropical shirts. Kyle got him self a 'Merica hat.

Recognize this bench? It's the same one all of our Westwood first day of school pictures are taken on. Since the school is going to be leveled soon, we threw our names in the pot as being interested in it. It currently adorns our deck; not sure where it will end up!

Reid is performing in the Stillwater Children's Operetta. He only says 2 words but is in several singing acts. He has really enjoyed the practices and being on stage.
Jason tried to brush hog. It's been so wet that he got the tractor stuck.
Once the guys got it out, they worked on the low water bridge that had been washed out with the huge storms lately. Looks better than before!
Grant's grades for 8th grade.