Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Concert, Westwood, SMS Dance and More!

Wall ball.  All afternoon some days.

Cinco de Mayo at the Orthodontist office!

Our church was asked 9 days out to host a concert for The House FM after some other churches in the metro area declined to host.  We accepted the challenge.  Their goal was 200.  We were well past 400 and the night was a blast.  God put the current staff in their spots for this to be a success.  My little marketers...

Building 429, Blanca (below), Stars Go Dim and We Are Vessel were the performers.  All very kind people.  Jason, lead vocal from B429, told us that this stop was the best stop he has had in 20 years - we were organized, kind, prepared and had a lot of food for them.

Kyle's Wyldlife leader, Matthew, joined us.

Our elementary school is going to be demolished in a few weeks.  Officials had an open house and the big boys really wanted to go.  Here they are at the piano where they had lessons for 2 years.

All of them had PreK in the same room - 2 different teachers - but here they are in 105! The current teacher was a friend of mine from youth group growing up - small world!
Current SPS Teacher of the Year and only one all three boys will share - Mrs. Fox.

She had old books out to view - this was the most fun.
Grant's art (wowzer)

Kyle's class

Grant's class

hall art that will soon be no more.

Our last bench photo!  Little bro has surpassed big bro!

Kyle's group had a preparty before the last SMS dance - lots of fun.

The girl he dances with - Karsen.

Westwood Field Day 2019

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