Monday, February 10, 2020

A bunch of Kyle and some great videos!

One of Kyle's besties moved away two weeks ago.  His dad is a scout for a major league baseball team and they no longer needed to live here.  BOO!

Special group of kids!

Especially the friendship of these two! :)

Sam invited Cale and Kyle to a game!
Guess who was picked as Fan of the Game and got $100 to the Thunder store?!
Yup, KYLE!  

He got a robe and socks, and bought Sam socks and a cup and Cale a hat!

Daddy and son cheering for the Pokes!

Our youth pastor and his wife took Kyle out to dinner last week.  Natalie sent me this...
Enjoy the laugh.

Reid is trying so hard to learn somersaults because his goal is to do flips.  
I never knew it was such a skill (but 2 of ours cannot do these w/o looking goofy)

One of Kyle's birthday gifts - SO him!  Thanks, Sam!

Sweet sleeping baby. Who I can hardly pick up anymore!

Oh, Hi, Eddie!

Isaac and Reid have great imaginations and love to actually play.
Here they are with their defense tools they made with items they found on the land (and a little tape).

When your friend thinks he is funny getting a picture with a trophy, you decide to one-up him and get THE trophy!

Mom and Dad sent these this week...
Good job, Kyle, on blowing out Grant's candles!  :)

where has the time gone?

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