Friday, March 24, 2023

Mangeant/SMAC, land, OKCNM, etc

Stillwater Makes a Change (SMAC) is a big fundraiser put on by the students at the high school to raise money for a needy cause.  One of the events during the week is the Mangeant - a senior guy pageant. Notorious for being an enjoyable evening, I wasn't sure what to expect having never been. It was very fun! The variety of guys who entered was also neat to see.

Just a couple of friends waiting to watch their sons have some fun on stage!

Opening group dance
Dance video link

Grant's poster and Fan Favorite jar
(Thanks, Kristy, for the lettering!)

Grant is such a well-rounded guy. However, he doesn't really have a standout "talent."  He was given an idea to dance, and I showed him a few videos online that were cute, and he took it to the next level. Our youth minister had the shirt and wig.
He learned this all on his own and I was 85% unaware of what his talent was until the dress rehearsal.

one of my favorite things about watching the video (other than Grant) is listening to Jason giggle. He had no idea what his son was going to do up there!

In the middle of his Napolean dance, the senior English student-favorite teacher came onstage. They ended up having four songs choreographed together and were a hoot. The students loved it and apparently the judges did, too.

They were also judged on his "ability to provide an escort and interaction with that person and interview question."

Runway (normal clothes) and introductions to the audience
All participants get some award which is awesome!
I love this picture and the orneriness it captures. He has a great group of good buddies this year.

Grant and Mena were the emcees for a State student council convention held at Stillwater High.

3v3 basketball tournament - they got smoked but enjoyed it!
with Mack Kulling and Alex Hill

We had a chill spring break. Kyle, Jason and I worked and Grant and Reid slept late. I did take them to Okc on Thursday to spend time at the Okc National Memorial Museum. Since this location is close to my heart, both due to experience and having worked there, I wanted them to see it before Grant heads out and our opportunity runs out.
Reid was very much in to learning the details and history. The others were there to simple appease me.
It was very cold, windy and rainy so all of my other plans were not great ones. We went to Bass Pro and then had a great evening with the Myrins catching up.
Grant received his official certificate and was put on the USAFA admissions instagram.

We had one short afternoon at the land.
We went searching for the cave where outlaws hid out a few centuries ago. Found it!
My camera is aiming up - this hold is where their smoke would rise up through so it would be out of the cave.  
All the way up to this tiny hole way above. It is fascinating to me how perfectly circular this is and it was created before so many of our fancy tools we use now.
June 23, 1913 is this inscription.

I'm going to miss these sweet moments to catch him napping in our room.

Senior tshirt quilt gift. I think it came out pretty great! I think it is awesome this is a gift from the youth group. Sure saves the moms a lot of time!

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