Tuesday, July 9, 2024

I maintain the blog for many reasons - it's a great way to remember stories, it's easy, it's nice for family and friends to keep up with us if they choose, and FOR GRANT, who told me yesterday the blog was LACKING!  So, dear son, here's a post for you (although it still seems there are as many pictures of you as those I live with because you're so good at sending them to me).

Reid has a daily list to complete before screens are allowed - so he's been putting together a model ship.
We spent time at a park! He was so excited to do "the spinny thing" so we went fast. For a long time.
(look how bad the park looks!)
... and then he was really regretting doing it so much!  ooof!
and then again!  double ooof.
Grant has been in Combat Survival Training since June 21. He's learned so much and had many cool opportunities. On this adventure, he was leading his group with the compass through the wilderness. He said he was so focused on doing a good job that he almost stepped on Mr. Snake (seen on the ground). 
the group's pet
his two roommates right now
His summer friends
Jason, Reid and I have spent hours with KLIFE on the building working with the other families to get it cleaned up for school.
Reid and Tucker were in the fundraising pickleball tourney. They went 4-1!
celebratory dinner with the Streeters trying out the new Empire Pizza!
Reid and I have tried the community pickleball gathering a few times.
Dad took Reid to go see one of two working B29s! It was a big day for him (and also a very hot one!). What a good Bubba!
a few friends over for games and smores.
Spent the 4th afternoon swimming. It's been so dang hot!!
Kyle spent it on a roof with his friends.
Not a bad rental car... it's good to know the Ford dealer!
More fun from our college guy. Cliff jumping with a mixture of squad 39 friends and CST friends.
There's a story behind this but so many things about it, I just adore. 

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