Monday, February 9, 2009

Bump! Set! Spike!

Let's just take a moment to honor the day that volleyball, my true sport passion, was founded. Little did I know but at the bottom of my blog, I have a "this day in history" section, and today's was about the beginning of volleyball. Here's the clip, in case you don't read this today!

"William G. Morgan invented volleyball in Holyoke, Massachusetts, just four years after basketball was invented in the neighboring town of Springfield. Morgan, a physical education director, created "Mintonette" for older athletes who wanted to play indoor sports but for whom basketball was too rough. Mintonette was later renamed volleyball because the point of the game is to "volley" the ball back and forth over a net. Morgan's game took several of its characteristics from what two sports?" (do you know the answer? first one to reply with correct answer gets a Blog Boast!). Here's a Link to more volleyball facts.

It's been around since 1895, just four years longer than basketball. Those of you who have known me for a decade or two, know that I used to be passionate about it and on traveling national teams. It was fun! When I played, very few fans followed the sport and it was a rare occasion to see people other than the loving parents in the stands. Today, thanks to the help from Olympic indoor and beach coverage, and fan-favorites like Kerri Walsh (mommy-to-be, by the way!) and Misty May, the sport has drastically grown with public following and more players.

No matter what you love to do, do it! I have not played volleyball in years. I had good friends in college who I was able to play with - thanks Barb and Carrie - and then played in a church power league after marrying. Since becoming a mom, it's been hard to find the time to play (with a lot of excuses), or a group of players that wouldn't annoy me to play with (sorry, but true!). It's time for me to find a niche or group or league and start playing again. My interests have expanded and I'm not nearly as die hard as when I was 16, but it would still be good for me - mind, body and soul!

Set one up for volleyball!


GG said...

tennis and handball!!!!!!!!!!!!! And, yes, you should be playing again! Who knows - your #1 fans may still show up!!!! xo

The Cross Family said...

Volleyball is such a great sport and I like you have missed playing! The last time I played I was around 4 months pregnant with Logan. Fortunately, we have found people to play with everywhere we have lived, which has been so nice. My sister and I even went to Florida last summer with a big group of people to play in the Fudpuckers tournament and it was a blast. However, motherhood has put a hault on playing for me as well. I hope to be on the court again soon! Thanks for the history lesson on volleyball, I learned a few new things...