Thursday, July 23, 2009

What We've Been Doing

Here's Brother's Day!

Yes, yes, yes, I'm awfully aware that the last post on this site was a full 5 weeks ago and I'm amazed! I'm chock full of excuses and reasons, but the main thing is this darn facebook stuff - when I do have time to sit at the computer, which seems more rare during the summer for some reason, it is facebook that I choose to do and not my blog. But, I know that there are friends checking this site to learn about us!

We have had a great summer this year.
- Family from both Minnesota and Texas have visited (and yes, we did the Eskimo Joes deal!)
- Celebrated a new Walker family tradition - Brother's Day - celebrated annually! It was a hit. We even had another family with all brothers over to eat cupcakes and play.
- T-ball season finished up (thankfully) with a happy player and a happy coach under our roof. The team celebrated with a potluck dinner at Grant's buddy's house (my buddy, too!).
- Grant has gone to two VBS events at local churches. After two days at one, he didn't want to go back to that one (never really found out why) and then last week, he had a great time at one for 5 evenings.
- We have gone shopping (and by "we" I mean Mom and me) and found excellent new pictures and wall hangings for the 1980 dental office and it has updated the facade a whole lot.
- Evening out with friends at the Stillwater wine bar. We then (and we're talking ages 29-40) decided we should go dancing at the Tumbleweed (on a Friday!)... get out there, and it's CLOSED. Total bummer. But we headed back to the Strip and had a great time!! It's good to have fun parent's nights out like those! That was our first time to a bar in Stillwater in 2 years - kinda makes you feel old!
- Fair Hills - that's a whole new post in itself!
- I got a new cousin!!! Miss Kayley!!! Welcome to our world and family!!!
- Jason's spring softball team (that won the co-ed adult league) decided to play summer/fall ball and that started back up. If you need us, we're at the softball fields on Friday nights now (Jason playing, Stacy chasing).
- Date night to see Harry Potter - we loved it! Both of us have read all of the books, and like most books turned movie, we prefer the books. But, it's still good.
- Pergola building - another post!

1 comment:

Angela & Brad said...

you are not alone, our posts have been falling "short" as well. for me, it's a combination of more available activities and that summer-induced, lacksidasical mind-set.

since both of us read the books as well, we're looking forward to the Potter movie tonight... after our anniversary dinner... talk about feeling old ;)

p.s. cute pic of the boys. i can't believe how much little kyle has grown!