Monday, February 15, 2010

The Amazing Race 16

The Amazing Race is a show that I have watched for only the last few seasons. A few weeks ago, Jason asked if I had heard that some of his friends from when he was younger were going to be on it (he knew that I knew them); I hadn't heard. But I know now! This was really fun for us to watch together last night. I know the older brother, Jet (tan shirt), because he dated my college roommate our freshman year and was in our dorm room a lot (and brought by his cutie Cowboy friend that was an OSU Spirit Rider!). :) Go Oklahomans and Go Friends!
They started out in last place, and finished up 3rd. How's that for pretty amazing!?!? Although their attire isn't quite helping the stigma of Oklahomans being all rodeo, cowboy, small-town people - they are quality, nice guys... check it out this season on Sunday nights!


Kristy said...

I heard about them being on AR a week or so ago while watching the news. Thought it was pretty cool, altho like you I also wasn't digging the stereotypical Oklahoman thing. I hate that the rest of the country thinks Okies are just a bunch of cowboy-hat wearing, horse-riding hicks! But I hope these guys do well; they seemed awfully nice on the news! :)

Amanda said...

We watched too... soo cool that you know them!