Friday, February 26, 2010

Grant is FIVE

Today is a big day! Grant has to use ALL OF HIS FINGERS ON ONE HAND to show his age now! Where does the time go?
Jason and I joined him at school to have lunch. Earlier in the day, he has his class birthday party, complete with twinkies and Cars stuff. Here he is with 3 of his classmates. After this picture was taken, his female friend (in the white on the right) comes up and asks for a picture with just Grant... I oblige, and she walks away (after having to take a look at it!), and Grant kinda shrugs his shoulders and goes "yea, that's my girlfriend." She's a funny, cute and kind girl that comes from a great Christian family so I'm not complaining! Yes, Arica, it is C.B.! ha!
For the Pre-K, all three classes sing Happy Birthday to a birthday kid, introduced by Ms. Cathy, who is the head janitor. We met Ms. Cathy earlier in the year when we were stopped in the hall by her telling us what a special, sweet and kind child we had in Grant. He would save her a seat at lunch so she would have a place to sit.... I love seeing the world through the kindness and the blindness of him. As Ms. Cathy did her introduction, she very specially said "We have a birthday today! It's my favorite friend ever, Mr. Grant!" He then got to go in the middle and hear the song. Glad we made it! He was proud!
Decorating his hallway during the night so it's ready to go in the morning!
(thanks to my California cousins for this great tradition idea!)

G and B had the best gift - a Barry Sanders jersey! He has worn it today and wants to wear it tomorrow (again!) to his party. Who cares if it hasn't been washed, right?!?
We weren't too concerned about the meaning of names when choosing our kids' names. However, Grant just happens to mean "great" and it couldn't be a better description. I am blessed and so proud so many times a day - just tonight, as we are leaving the restaurant of choice for dinner (he picked a place where he knew he would be sung Happy Birthday and given a sombrero to wear!), he stayed behind our family to hold the door for others coming out. Precious. And he loves to tell jokes .... here are the two latest: "Where does a horse like to go shop?" "Old NeeeiiiighVy" HA and then "Why was the banana sick?" "He wasn't peeling well" HA. :) okay, sound like Laffy Taffy stuff to me, but he just thinks he is so funny (and we usually agree!). Growing up - quoting movies and telling jokes and nightly games of Trouble and Dominoes.
Grant = Great!


Unknown said...

Your guys are growing way too fast! So glad all is going well and all are happy. (I love Grant's sweater - wish I could find one in Uncle Tony's size!)

I can't believe our Pokes are beating Kansas by 13 points right now with 5:30 left in the game - hope we hang on!!


Sarah and Nick Marquez said...

Happy Birthday Grant!!!

aricalingerfelt said...

I thought it was C.B. What about Morgan? I thought he wanted to marry her (haha)....she talks about her friends "Grant and Kyle" all the time! Anyway, can't believe he's five. Give him a hug from us...miss ya!