Monday, March 8, 2010

Baking Rack Winner!

Thanks to one of my best friends from high school (all the way back to first grade, actually!), I got to be a winner of something for the second time in two weeks! Angela is a regular blogger and had a contest on her blog. The prize was a stacking cooling rack, and considering that I didn't have any cooling racks, I was thrilled!!! Lucky #5! :) Plus, you can check out her blog regularly to learn about their awesome journey on an international adoption! I love seeing the Lord through her and her husband and their children. Big hugs to you and your family!!!


angela said...

Thanks for being one of my regular readers, friend! I was super thrilled you won the giveaway... I am glad to see you are using them too! What did you do before to cool cookies or bread and such? I guess if your mom did otherwise, you may not have missed having them. That's how I felt about my mixer before I got it. My mom only had a small hand mixer so that's who I learned to do everything. Once I got a big one, I had to remind myself to use it instead!

GG said...

the oatmeal cookies look awesome! wish I had one...or two! Cute blogs today!