Seems I haven't written much about what is going on with our family. Partly because there isn't much; partly because there is a ton! I know, it doesn't make sense. Today, we are 30 weeks and 6 days pregnant. As I posted 3 weeks ago, I was on mild bed rest then. As of Thursday, I am on "take it really easy" which for my husband has translated to "total bed rest and I am not going to let you do anything that I can do for our family myself." And my Mom. I was still having contractions, and after checking, my cervix has thinned and softened and the baby has dropped. This explains why I feel like he's going to fall out anytime I am vertical and uncross my legs! but, yes, I do know that he can't literally "fall out".... My mom cleaned our downstairs on Thursday for us. Jason has taken over laundry, kitchen duties, random errand running, t-ball carpool, and school meetings for me! hey hey! so that is the baby update! Just hanging out in my bed or on my couch if you want to talk! Grant and Kyle are doing fabulous. We (and I mean Jason) had our parent-teacher conference for the spring with Grant. He is well above average on everything, except on learning money (which is partly our fault as we use debit cards). His reading ability, counting, spelling, social, etc is doing great! First grade, here we come! Kyle has had fun hanging out with
GG lately and his friends have been super about having
playdates with him so he doesn't have to hang out with '
ol mom while I sit on the couch. Thanks, friends! Over the weekend, Jason pitched the tent and all three boys slept both nights out there. I hung out until about 11 pm last night trying to stay until both of the little kids fell asleep. Jason was inside playing a computer game, and I really had a nice time with the kids. Don't worry - I was quite comfy on my husband's much-needed air mattress! I would have stayed if there was a toilet in the tent but there wasn't... I know that today they're all sleep-deprived and probably ready for our attempt at family Sunday
naptime. That's our written update. I haven't taken many photos lately!