Monday, April 11, 2011

baby love

I remember thinking to myself during both of my previous pregnancies that I wanted to remember every little detail and attempted to keep track of everything happening with both my body and the baby's development. I have said it again this time, but this time, I am really attempting to treasure it as we are pretty darn sure that our family will be complete with five members, assuming God agrees with us! Currently, I am transitioning from "feeling okay" to "my belly is getting in the way of a lot of stuff, don't sleep, and can't breathe deeply!" It is harder for me to bend over, I run in to the cabinets countertops now, and let's not even talk about how difficult it's become to shave my legs, much less "up there" - just glad I won't be sporting a bikini anytime soon! :) tmi? perhaps, but it's my blog! Most evenings for the past few weeks, I have felt the sweet little fluttering of baby hiccups. They are so precious. Times of "oooh, I just felt the baby move" about 3 months ago have now become instances of me trying to push him out from under my rib cage as it just plain hurts and is uncomfortable! But, that's the blessing of the third trimester, which for this pregnancy, has been a blessing to be at 32 weeks today! It never ceases to amaze me when I look at my stomach and see my shirt moving around, or the television remote that I propped on my new shelf wiggle up and down and side to side! My feet and legs are perhaps getting a little swollen, and especially having not done a bit of exercise since 25/26 weeks, my body had become mushy. yea for post-pregnancy exercising - it's too bad that I have to live through the hot Oklahoma summer before that time arrives! No (new) stretch marks to speak of yet, and as of last week, I had gained right around 23ish pounds (but started about 12 pounds more than I did with Grant!) Guessing now that I will be challenging myself to shred around 45 pounds at the end of this journey. I love being pregnant. Lots of joys and special memories! The above information is just for me to always have a written memory of how I feel at this time!

1 comment:

TheCrossFam said...

So very PROUD of you! You're an awesome mama!