Saturday, May 7, 2011

T-ball, house and cake smashing!

My parents' house is finally coming along! The framing was started this week on the first floor so I had to grab a picture at this point in the process! We had an ice cream cone out there on Friday night and it was so peaceful with the wildlife noises! A great neighborhood choice for them!
Silver Airjets T-ball is in full swing, with seven more weeks of games and practices! Grant is a very good hitter. He really enjoys smacking the ball in to the outfield, and has been the only one to get a double and a triple on his team! We haven't really seen him on defense yet as he hasn't been in one of the prime spots to touch a ball (pitcher, 1st, 2nd). He's even got the leg pull mastered!

Here are my monkeys celebrating Jason's birthday with his cake (as requested, I didn't make it until after the marathon!). For some reason, they decided this was the night to experiment with cake in the faces. We just laughed. They must have some of Jason's blood in him as, for those of you who were around back then, recall that my "darling" newlywed husband decided to smash my face, the happy bride, with cake on our wedding day. It was not so funny or cool to me at the time (or even now!). BUT, all backtracking aside, cake looks cute on little boys' faces!

1 comment:

Kristy said...

Seven more weeks?!? GAH! That's a LOT of t-ball! I managed to talk Mason out of doing the Y t-ball (too hot and I'm sick of Y sports!) by telling him he could go to soccer camp. Hee-hee!