Friday, December 2, 2011

Our week has consisted of Kyle having his first-ever stomach bug and missing school this week. Reid went in for his 6 month check-up, and he has a severe double ear infection. We have never had an ear infection with the other boys so it's new territory for us! He has been a complete fuss-face all week, too..... all accompanied by me attempting to get decorated, inside and outside, for Christmas (this is the latest ever!), and having completed FIFTEEN loads of laundry from Sunday night through last night (Thursday). That is a lot. I. Am. Tired.

Cute memory for me: the first night Kyle was sick, after about his third time to throw-up, he asked me if we could say a prayer for him. So we did, holding hands, on his bed. I went downstairs and Jason and I said a prayer for his recovery. About 2 hours later, and 2 more vomits, Kyle, through his tears of not understanding and being scared about his lack of control while throwing up, cries out "Mom, God answers prayers. Why isn't he listening to me now?" It just made me so sad and so proud all at the same time for him to think OF that concept, but also that he wished for Him to stop his sickness and was sad his prayers weren't answered. I did point out a few days later that God DID answer his prayers, but just in His time and not Kyle's time.

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