Wednesday, October 31, 2012

SPF changes

Interesting info from a SPF 75 purchaser!  :)

By Mary Radford RN, Director of the RF Connection
As of December 2012, the FDA will be enforcing new sunscreen regulations in an effort to help people stay better protected from the sun. At Rodan + Fields, we couldn't be happier about the new regulations. We've been on our soapbox for years and are glad the FDA is finally holding companies to a higher standard. Here's the 411 on what the new regulations mean for SPF:
  • Only SPF 15-50+: This is the range that can claim to reduce the risks associated with sun exposure. The days of SPF 90 are over - the highest you'll find is SPF 50+.
  • More effective broad spectrum sunscreens: Only formulations with proportionate UVA and UVB coverage can claim to be broad spectrum.
  • No more waterproof sunscreens: Even the best sunscreens are only water-resistant, so always reapply after getting wet.

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