Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The big boys have been taking turns having great bonding moments with Reid.  For the past few weeks, its been Grant who has been kissing him before bed and playing cars with him. This week, its been Kyle.  They've read nighttime books, dressed in similar sweaters for church, played at the Wondertorium well together, and then cuddled in our bed.
At a field trip for Grant... with a few boys from his class.
The four of us went to the Wondertorium for MLK day.  We each had a lot of fun - more so than what I expected, especially from the big boys, as they didn't last time we went.  This time, each was creative!

I made Star Wars pancakes for lunch with our new molds.
And this has become an extremely common site - all three rough-housing together, either in the playroom or the den.  A few tears here and there, but overall, they're all having a blast.  

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