Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Busy week!

 Jason and I had a joint date night with two other couples! We went to dinner, then to an Irish pub, and then while the others went home, we went to top off the evening with a glass of wine for Jason.  Here's our picture wishing our friends had come with us!

These two were caught cuddling in front of Barney instead of getting ready for bed.  It was cute.  Our two little blondies.
Sad day. 
Our friends, the Killians, moved.  He was offered a job on Christmas eve and they were gone on the 8th. It happened pretty quickly, but we wish them a lot of happiness in their new venture (Director of Family Camp - sounds fun!).  Another friend had a going away playdate for/with them.
Daniel Gaddis - Kyle's buddy for about 5 years!  We met them at library storytime.
Miss Lainey and G and Jackson.  The two of them were best friends so I feel extra sorry for L and J!

Mr. Cutie Patootie heading for school on a "dressy" day (which means he has to not wear athletic pants and a tshirt twice a week!).

We love our neighbors. 
The boys... started out as taking down the barbed wire fence between houses so the kids can play easier/more safely, and it turned in to taking down a HUGE dead tree that the tree removal company quoted an $1,100 price tag to remove.  Get Will, Matt and Jason... and some testosterone... and it's down in no time at all!  Clint joined the chainsaw fun AFTER the tree was on its side.

GG and Reid playing at the Wondertorium!

1 comment:

Jessica Fillmore said...

I redid my blog and lost my blog list! It took me awhile but I finally found yours :)