Friday, December 5, 2014

Just to showcase a little of Kyle's personality:

Example A: Waiting at our local Christmas parade for Santa to close out the event!  As Santa and his parade float get near our family, Kyle hollers "Hey, Santa!  I've be naaauuuggghhhtttty!"   Twice.  But, of course he says it in a hilarious voice and with his dimples showing.

Example B: At an OSU basketball game with Bubba.  He asks for cotton candy. He offers some to Bubba, who declines as he doesn't really care for it.  Kyle tells him again to have some and hands him a bite.  Bubba eats.  Kyle says something along the lines of "Oh good.  Now I can tell my parents that we actually share the cotton candy" as he ate nearly the rest of the sack!  I say nearly as he brought home a bite for both Reid and Grant.

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