Sunday, April 14, 2024

Eclipse, Theta, CO trip, baseball and more!

Grant sent this photo of some of his church buddies going out to eat - our Hawaii friend is here - love the small world.
Solar eclipse 2024 - Anne checked Reid out of school as both J and I were working. Not sure he saw a lot more but at least it was a fun memory for John and him.
I went to the church roof for a while to see it.
Jason's staff had a potluck and a lot of fun.
We verbally checked this kid out - who then came to (ahem) HANG OUT with me at work! 
Stillwater Theta alum group hosted a Senior Farewell dessert.
Pledge sister, Ashley!

Saturday morning breakfast date turned in to Reid getting to chat with OSU baseball players. They were totally awesome and just so happen to be 3 of his mom's Top 5 players based on dugout demeanor.
We went to the fly in again - very windy - and he was able to see the Corsair up close.
and a Red Bull car with free drinks.
Our friends' jet.
Jason took a quick trip to Denver and then went to COS to see Grant. I had to send him Fridaway food.
We had Mom and Dad join us at baseball.
Honoring Cecil O'Brate with pipes and fireworks.
Trampoline campout (hammock for me) with Reid

Jason was able to visit the original Chipotle!
Father-Son 24 hours!

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