Thursday, June 10, 2010

random kiddo pictures

Just a few cute pictures of the boys!

Kyle is at a crossroads: to nap or to not nap. I've opted for the naptime for two reasons: he doesn't fight it a bit, and it allows Grant and I to have some one-on-one time still. However, this leads to Kyle being very alert most nights still at 9 or 10. Jason and I have quit fighting his playtime upstairs because we know that he's just not tired yet. The other night as we went to check on the boys before bed, this is how we found Kyle. He had made a disaster in his closet (he got to pick that up the next morning!), but had packed his suitcase - and very appropriately, too. AND, he had brought all of his bedding to the floor and was zonked with the light on.

I think it's funny how he is still holding on to the suitcase, too. He packed a nice outfit, pajamas, socks, shoes, his loveys, a diaper and a pull-up. All ready to go! Not sure where, but somewhere...

1 comment:

angela said...

that is precious! he is quite thorough. that will serve him well in life. glad he's prepared.