Thursday, September 9, 2010


  • in response to looking at a friend's new baby's photos... and he was in a few from the hospital so he was extra interested.... "She sure is cute and now they finally have a chance to be a real mom and dad," said Grant after viewing the pictures.
  • Kyle's preschool teacher: "So, the other day we were in our small groups and I was talking to them when all of a sudden Kyle just breaks out in to this big belly laugh for a few seconds. I ask him "Kyle, was that funny?" and he gets very serious with a slight scowl and says "No, it was not" which then caused me to laugh and he got upset at me then."
  • Kyle's preschool teacher: "it is very interesting for me to have had both of them and to learn their personalities. They aren't much alike, are they?!?!" "ummmmm, no"
  • Grant announced last week as he got in the car after school something to this affect: "Mom, I am just not going to go to school anymore because all I am going to do is just play sports and therefore I don't need to go to school. Just sports. Period." uh-huh. so we just happen to be driving by the campus and I let him know that all those players he has met and likes all go to school, too.... so far, so good!

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