Thursday, March 10, 2011

Taking it Easy!

As of today, I am 27 weeks and 3 days pregnant. Last Thursday, I experienced my first contraction but didn't think too much of it since it went away. Several over the weekend. 10 on Monday night, with 4 being 7 minutes apart. So I called the doctor on Tuesday. He said that my uterus has thinned out which has caused the baby to drop (could have told you that as I am near a toilet all the time and have had really tough abdomen and lower back pressure). We did a few tests and ultrasound and the verdict: take it easy and drink water. If I have more contractions, that it's to bed rest for me!

So, thanks to Jason, my mom, Kristy and some other friends, I have been laying down the last few days just to be safe! We want to get out of this too-early stage without a baby! My contractions have decreased so it's working!

Just thought I should update my blog friends. I'm not in to posting this information on facebook for my 900 best friends to read - just you guys!

It's not bed rest yet but I am being a good patient and taking it easy!


Anonymous said...

Praying for you - hope you can relax!!

Courtney said...

Get lots of R&R! And keep telling that baby to be patient!

E.Gray said...

glad to hear the rest is working!

Libby said...

We're praying for you and your guys (even tho my communication is lacking)! Love you!

TheCrossFam said...

Lots of prayers so Mr. Walker stays put! Love you!