Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 29

Reid, or this would be an appropriate time to call him Feedy Reidy, had his two-month check-up appointment. Great news - he weighed in at 10 pounds and 9 ounces and was almost 24 inches long. That means he is back on the actual growth chart for weight (25%) and 50% for both height and head circumference. Just perfect! He gained 2 pounds in 2 weeks once we started adding the rice cereal to his bottles (no reflux AND he was actually eating food!).

We followed our doctor's visit with a playdate and donuts with friends. Thanks, Lauren, for having us over and thanks, Erryn, for coming to play! Lauren had her fourth child, Cade, in March and Erryn had her third child, Landrey, in April. So, with Reid in May, we had fun with our TEN children eating donuts. Good to see you two and your families!

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